Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clean vs. Unclean

Clean vs. Unclean
I choose to do my assignment on Choice 1: Clean vs. Unclean. I completed the assignment by doing it as a blog post because I think it would be a good missionary tool to upload my thought and beliefs about the church and hopefully peak the interest of my non-member friends and family. I really liked writing this blogpost because for the last couple years I have been really interested in health and the Word of Wisdom. It would have been better if I had put in some scientific statistics. That may have gotten the attention of some of my non-member friends. I wasn’t sure though if that would take away from the spiritual side of the post. If you want to go to my blogpost it is at or I also pasted it down below:

In Leviticus 11:1-30 we read about the dietary laws the Lord puts in place for the children of Israel.  The law basically breaks down animals into two distinct classes, clean animals and unclean animals.  The unclean animals are what Israel was warned not to eat, whereas the clean animals were approved for Israel to consume. Here is a breakdown of the clean and unclean animals:

Clean Animals
Animals that have parted hoof, clovenfooted, and chews cud
Animals of the water with fins and scales
Locust, beetle, grasshopper

Unclean Animals
Camels, coney, hare (all chew cud but do not have a parted hoof)
Swine (divided hoof but does not chew cud)
Sea animals without fins or scales
Fowl of the air
Fowls that creep on all fours
Flying creeping things
Weasel, mouse, tortoise, ferret, chameleon, lizard, snail, and mole

 “God was using the diet as a teaching tool. People may forget or neglect prayer, play, work, or worship, but they seldom forget a meal.” (Old Testament Study Guide) The Lord put in place strict dietary laws to help remind His followers of their dedication and devotion to Him. There were of course practical reasons for the dietary laws, but they served a more important reason than this. The Lord’s followers had to make a conscious decision each time they ate to either follow the Lord’s directions or not. This thought process helped bring the people to remembrance of their Lord and their commitment to follow Him. 

The scriptures in Leviticus are an ancient dietary law that the Lord put in place for Israel. We too have dietary restrictions put in place for us to remind us of our commitment to the Lord and to keep us healthy. If we read in D&C 89, we will find our own dietary laws which are combined into what is now called the Word of Wisdom. Here is a breakdown of what is considered okay and what is not:

Okay for consumption
Wholesome Herbs (in season)
Fruit (in season)
Flesh of beasts and fowl of the air (eaten sparingly)

Not okay for consumption
Wine or strong drink (including coffee and tea)

Some may question why it is so important that we follow the Lords direction on what we should and should not consume. I know in my own life I have questioned it before. We have to realize that these laws have more to do with the spiritual end of things then the physical. Yes, there are physical benefits from following the Word of Wisdom and we are seeing scientific proof of that more and more each day. The greater part of the Word of Wisdom has to do with spiritual preparation and control over the natural man. In our day there are so many temptations around us. By refusing to consume certain foods/substances, we are showing the Lord the respect we have for the body He has given to us and our remembrance of Him and His commandments. We are also promised a great blessing if we follow the Lord’s Word of Wisdom. We “shall receive health in their navel and marrow in their bones…find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge…run and not be weary…walk and not faint…I, the Lord, give unto them a promise that the destroying angel shall pass by them.”

I know that the Word of Wisdom will benefit our life if we follow its guidelines. I know I need to do better at following it more closely. I am quick to remember not to drink or smoke, but many times I eat meat too often or eat things not in season. The more I study health related issues, I am seeing the benefits of eating food in their seasons and eating meat sparingly. I have made it a goal in my life to make sure I focus more on those two things so that I can show the Lord my devotion to Him and His commandments. I may not understand why all of these items are necessary, but I know in the end that they will bless my life and eventually I will gain knowledge and testimony of their importance.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Ten Commandments...

Here are the Ten commandments that the Lord gives unto Moses and the Israelites:
  •          Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  •          Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
  •          Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord they God in vain.
  •          Remember the Sabbath day, to keep is holy.
  •          Honour thy father and thy mother.
  •          Thou shalt not kill.
  •          Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  •          Thou shalt not steal.
  •          Thou shalt not bear false witness.
  •          Thou shalt not covet.
In Matthew 22: 36-40 Jesus is asked by one of the Pharisees “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” This question was posed more to trick the Savior, but His response brought more insight to all the commandments of the Lord. Jesus said “thou shalt love the Lord thy God…this is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  Jesus’ last sentence shows us the simplicity of all God’s commandments. If we truly love the Lord and our neighbor, we would never break any of these commandments because they would ultimately hurt the Lord or our neighbor or both. If we truly love our Lord, we will have a desire to do whatever He asks and love all of His children as He loves us.  If we were to break up the Ten Commandments, we see that the first five have to do with loving the Lord and the last five have to do with loving our neighbor. 

Our world today struggles with every one of these commandments and I think that is why we have so many problems in our world. If I were to pick which three the world struggles with the most I would choose these:

  •          Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
  •          Thou shalt not commit adultery
  •          Thou shalt not bear false witness

“Modern idols or false gods can take such forms as clothes, homes, businesses, machines, automobiles, pleasure boats, and numerous other mater deflectors from the path to godhood.” (Elder Spencer W. Kimball) Today many of us base our whole life around acquiring these goods for our happiness. If we focus too much on our desire to obtain these worldly things, they ultimately replace God as the forefront of our worship and deter us off our track to worshiping the Lord. 

“The covenant of marriage, this sacred thing which was to go on eternally, was the heavenly institution which God provided under which his mortal children on earth were to reproduce themselves. There should be no human sex relationship outside of marriage.” (Mark E. Petersen) This is such a problem in today’s world. The family unit is being degraded by the choice not to follow God’s commandment to have no sex relationship outside of marriage. Think of how many children today are born in a home with only a single mother or are aborted before they even have a chance of life because bad choices were made. The divorce rate is at a staggering 50% in this country. Much of it is attributed to spouse’s infidelity and non-commitment to a marriage. This can have very negative effects on the family and the whole world. 

“Whereas murder involves the taking of human life, bearing false witness centers in the destruction of character or its defamation. It reaches to the ruin of reputation.” (Adam S. Bennion) I feel like everywhere I turn there are lies being posted on the internet, TV., news articles, etc. It is becoming more and more acceptable to lie and tell half untruths in our society and because of it no one wants to believe anyone anymore. There is so much dishonesty around that people question a lot of what people say and their motives behind what they say. This is so sad because it degrades people and their reputation. 

Our world would be a completely different place if people were to keep even just the Ten Commandments. All the thoughtless impulsive murders would stop. People would be able trust each other’s words and be able to leave their doors unlocked and not worry about someone breaking in.  People would have more love and understanding for their neighbors and the people around them. The world would be such a peaceful and loving place if everyone loved the Lord and their neighbor.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How we can be saved by water and fire...

In Exodus 14 we learn of the miraculous journey that the Israelites took when they walked across the dry bank of the parted Red Sea to escape death or capture by the Egyptians.  This experience ultimately saved the Israelites’ lives and took the lives of the Egyptian’s who pursued them. This story is very applicable to our own lives showing us the importance of going through the waters of baptism.  The process of baptism is required because it cleanses us of all our sins and saves us from a spiritual death.  Just like the Israelites, if we harken to the commandments of the Lord and trust him by taking that step through the water, we can be well on our way to receiving life eternal. 

We must not forget the gift of the Holy Ghost that goes right along with baptism. Without the Holy Ghost, we would wander through this world being exposed because we would not have that added protection of being prompted when we are in harm’s way or when we need to act upon something. The Lord gave this protection to the Israelites as well when he placed clouds and fire between the Israelites and Egyptians. This cloud provided light to the Israelite’s side and darkness to the Egyptian’s side. If we go through this life without the Holy Ghost, we too will be walking in darkness and confusion. With the Holy Ghost as our companion though, our path through life will be illuminated and we will be directed by the Lord to safety and eternal life. 

I know that baptism is an importance ordinance that each of us must perform so that we may return to live with our Heavenly Father again. Once we are baptized, we must stay true to the covenants we made and make sure that we stay worthy to always receive the promptings of the Holy Ghost. With these two essential elements, we will be lead to safety just like the Israelites were. We too will be able to escape those who pursue us and be able to live a peaceful eternal life!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Understanding our birthright...

“It appears that anciently under the Patriarchal Order certain special blessings, rights, powers, privileges -collectively called the birthright- passed from father to his firstborn son.” (Elder Bruce R. McConkie) This was the case in many situations, but not with Isaac and his two sons Esau and Jacob. In their situation we see that the birthright required more than just being the firstborn son, it also required righteous living in order to obtain such a noble blessing.

It was apparent that Isaac’s two sons were very opposite from the time they grew inside Rebekah’s womb. In Gen. 25:22-23 Rebekah wonders why “the children struggled together with in her.” She takes this problem unto the Lord and is told that “two nations are in thy womb…and the elder shall serve the younger.” When the two sons were born, Esau was delivered first and Jacob right after.  Even though they were brothers, twins at that, their differences were like night and day. Esau was “a cunning hunter, a man of the field” and Jacob was “a plain man dwelling in tents.” (Gen. 25:27). Because of his interest in more man related activities, Esau was favored by his father, where Jacob was favored by his mother. We further see the differences in how the boys favored sacred and spiritual matters. 

Because Esau was the firstborn son, he was set up to receive the birthright. One day, Esau came in after putting in a laborious day in the fields. He was very hungry and desired to eat some of the pottage that Jacob had made. Jacob was willing to give Esau a bowl of pottage if he would “sell me this day thy birthright.”(Gen. 25:31) Esau, being famished and feeling like he was at “the point to die” (Gen. 25:32) said “what profit shall this birthright do me?” (Gen. 25:33) Here we see Esau selling something of true value, his birthright, for a mere bowl of pottage. Jacob on the other hand, understood the birthright’s importance and how it would bless him in his life. Some may ask why Esau would be so quick to sell something of great value for something that will only satisfy him for just a second? In this story we see a very applicable principle to our own actions. 

Each and every one of us has a birthright given to us as children of God. We are promised a gift of eternal life, where we can live happily forever with our families and to one day be Gods ourselves. This birthright though has conditions of righteousness just like the birthright given to Jacob. We must live a good life here on earth, keeping the commandments, serving others, and enduring to the end. If we do this, we will earn the birthright promised to us, which is of such great value that we cannot even comprehend it. 

Just like Esau trading his birthright for something of immediate satisfaction, many times we are guilty of doing the same. We have been offered such a priceless birthright that there is nothing in this world that even comes close in comparison. Many times though, we trade our birthright by engaging in sin that satisfies are immediate wants, but puts us in peril of not inheriting our God given birthright. Looking at the story of Esau, we may judge him and say how could he do that, but many of us our guilty of doing the exact same thing many times in our lives. Like Esau, we are guilty of not truly understand the value of our birthright and therefore we trade it for something like a mere bowl of pottage. 

We must all gain a better understanding and appreciation for the birthright that we have been given.  We must keep an eternal perspective in every action and decision we make. If we do this, we can make choices that will move us closer to being worthy of our birthright, instead of moving us farther away. I know it is so hard to do in these evil and wicked times, but I know that it is possible. By keeping an eternal perspective, this life doesn’t seem pointless anymore and we are able to gain more comfort in knowing that there are better times ahead of us after we prove ourselves here on earth. None of us want to give away the glorious blessing of living with our loved ones again forever where there is no pain, sickness, death, heartache, etc. What a wonderful time that will be, we just have to hang on and endure to the end. 

I know these things to be true. I am grateful for the story of Jacob and Esau that helps remind me that I need to make sure I am doing everything I can in this life to be worthy to live with my Heavenly Father again. I know that if we strive to do everything we can do in this life to live righteously, that we will be rewarded for that. I know this gospel is true and I know that by living its teachings we will be blessed in this life and the next